30 March 2009

Why so many March birthdays?

I happen to know 9 people alone who have a birthday in March. It's a busy month! Apart from Madeline's birthday I made a few extra cakes for friends including a double choc fudge and a 3 layer lemon cake. The lemon cake was a little dense so really needed a light buttercream lemon icing to help it out a bit. I also made a gingerbread ring, carrot cake and a chocolate tart for one birthday party. The chocolate tart was in the oven a little too long (this was more experimental as the recipe was for small individual tarts so I had to guess at the cooking time - and didn't guess well) so I need to try that one again.
So along with all the baking I did this month I put on 3 kg extra. I really really need to step up the exercise to keep up with it all. Especially with Easter around the corner. My next mission is to get some Easter biscuits made up with the kids, fun!!!

23 March 2009

Birthday madness

Madeline turned 7 this month, so of course cakes must be made!
She asked me to make her a butterfly cake. So I got to work and made quick work of this one (I've made this one before). When it was completed I proudly displayed it for her. In front of all her friends I was informed promptly and in her new 7 year old bossy tone that she wanted chocolate icing, NOT pink and purple icing with lollies and marshmellows! Then she vomited. Well after she'd blown out the candles.
However, I was pleased (well not that pleased really) to find out she vomited from a particularly nasty gastro bug which laid her flat on her bed for the next four days and it wasn't my cooking.
As I had made an extra cake for the rellies I covered this one in chocolate ganache. Went down a lot quicker than the other one!!

Ahh finally a 3 month break till I have Johnny's birthday cake to beat from last year (a tugboat pulling a barge of lollies!). Of course some people would say why bother and prefer to buy a ready made cake and chuck some candles on it. I see now that's smart thinking. But I've brought this on myself. Now I've started, the mostly reluctant competitive part of my nature (must be from my dads side) has kicked in, and I have put the pressure on myself to be the mum who is up till the wee small hours of the morning putting finishing touches on a cake that will be eaten in 5 minutes flat. Also now the kids have noticed and won't settle for anything less!!!

03 March 2009

Summer eats

Hmm am quite into the gingerbread lately. So easy and moist and delicious to eat. I adapted a gingerbread ring cake which went down a treat with the in-laws and made it into cupcakes to see how it turned out. And from the way Owen was stuffing them down I figured they turned out well!