13 May 2010

Bone Scan.

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day at Auckland Hospital.

I was booked in for a bone scan for 2pm, but I needed to be there at 11am for my radioactive injection (oohh fun!). 
This takes 3 hours to get into the system so when I have the scan they see all my bones clearly. We were late getting there (Auckland traffic!!) so the day didn't finish until 3.30pm.
Again I made some finger nail marks in Owen's hand when I got the injection. He thanked God I've got a portacath for chemo, else I'd rip his hands to shreds every time a needle came near my arm.
I HATE NEEDLES! Did you notice? 
Anyway that wasn't so bad after all. It was over in about 30 seconds. So I went and had an ECG, which was cool.

Then mum took us on a tour to the Day Stay Oncology and Radiation areas and introduced us to some of the staff. One of the nurses gave me a card she had written on the day of my surgery. Reading it made me cry it was sooo lovely. I mean she doesn't even know me but like I've said, peoples reactions have blown me away. I love people.
Then we spent an hour waiting. So Owen got snappy with the camera.

All in all a good day, plenty of waiting but it was good to get familiar with Auckland Hospital as I'll be seeing a lot of it this year. And the nicest thing is that the staff were all super lovely (well my mum works there, so of course that's a given). And its so much nicer looking than North Shore Hospital!

I'll know results on Monday when I meet with Mike, my oncologist.

1 comment:

Simoney said...

Oooh, fingers crossed, Mon. You're looking good! Nice pic!