Sorry for the delay with this post. I spent most of last week lost for words for once.
After finding out my start date for chemo I went into a quiet, reflective mood and I've still been processing the whole last month. There's been a lot of tears this last few days, but not all bad ones. I'm a bit emotional at the best of times, I've even cried during Home and Away, so that gives you an idea of my willingness to have a good cry. So its been quite a release for me.
So the start date? Well its next Tuesday, the 18th of May. Soon hey? Its good, because that means by the time I've finished all my treatment, summer will be around the corner and Christmas will be here to celebrate. And I'm secretly hoping my brothers will be here to join me then (hint hint boys).
New things which are exciting this week are a flash vacuum cleaner which was more a present for Owen than for me. He's so excited about it. Mostly because its got some flash gadgets.
But far more exciting than a boring vacuum cleaner is my new toy! Finally I've got my long awaited birthday present in the form of a new camera. A lovely Canon EOS450D. So I spent most of my mothers day playing with it.
Oh AND I got a new haircut. I've gone real short as a sort of transition to no hair at all. Owen was a wee bit heartbroken about that.
But Mothers Day was lovely.An early start (can you tell?).

Katie gave me pastries, even going so far as to turn on the oven, pop them in, set the timer and brown them nicely on top. The bottoms were still slightly undercooked but what did that matter? It beats burnt toast!

We watched Mamma Mia. Katie was engrossed. And then got a bit bored.

So did Johnny. So he trashed his room. Again.

We had a cuppa, cake and a dance to mums new Michael Buble CD. And a cuddle.

I love my mum sooo much. I know she gave birth to me and all (and always says I was by far the easiest baby out of us 3, Edwin missed out on that honour because I dropped him on his head) but truly she has been so amazing. So much in fact that when she leaves me to go home I feel like Katie did when she left for school this morning, except I don't kick and scream anymore.
I love you mum!
And I love being a mum to these ratbags. They really are the best.

1 comment:
Lennox used to trash his room at just the same age!. I thinky our new hair doo looks really cute & sassy
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