
I haven't done one of these in a while, but since Breast Cancer Action month is drawing to a close I thought I'd show a few choice links for that.

This first one here, from Cake Wrecks, shows the insanity that bakers can go to just for a sale. Thank god I haven't seen anything like this here in NZ!

The Save Seven project, a series of clips by seven NZ women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer at different stages and times of their life. Very powerful and worth watching.

Watch this video...its awesome!

And finally, the most powerful photography exhibition I've seen yet. The Scar Project by David Jay. Probably because it represents my reality and can't hide behind a cute pink ribbon. I cried buckets when I first saw it and it still brings tears to my eyes.

Oh...and go give yourself a check after you've looked at all of these. The men above should have helped give you some pointers ;) hehe.


Pamela saidā€¦
The SCAR project's work is amazing. I get goosebumbs everytime I see one of the photos!

I would just like to say, as a survivor of cancer that was not breast cancer, all preventative care and screenings are important! Awareness is very important!!

Hootnz saidā€¦
Love the cake wrecks, especially the cup cakes lol :)
Those photos are very powerful and a true insight into breast cancer for someone that has not been directly affected, thanks for sharing the links.
Great reminder thanks Mon xx
Miriam saidā€¦
Okay so I watched that video!! It's hilarious. Off to check out the other links.
Riche saidā€¦
Thanks for the reminder. I'm off to check out all those links. Tonight my girlfriends and I are dressing up in pink and going to the DOVE movies. It's my time to remember those who have bravely fought this horrible battle.

Widge saidā€¦
Those cakes are heinous haha and that clip is too funny :)

but whoa SUCH a powerful exhibition!! words escape me.

I've heard things about the media endorsed pink ribbon thing that doesn't sit well with me, so I love the line about it being so much more than that.
jacksta saidā€¦
That video is hilarious. I enjoyed the perv!

Those images really seem to capture the emotion of it all.

Thanks for the link. I just checked my boobies. ;)
Anonymous saidā€¦
ohmygosh. I laughed so hard at that video. Thanks for posting :)
Tall Pipi saidā€¦
Oh my goodness! That video was laugh out loud funny! I'll be sure to get the app! Those SCAR pics are so amazing. I was in awe of those incredibly strong women. I have a question - I have just found out a colleague from my job in Whangarei has been diagnosed with breast cancer and it's not looking good at all. We haven't been in touch since I moved but we worked together quite closely and I really want to contact her and let her know I'm thinking of her. The thing is, I wouldn't be contacting her if she didn't have breast cancer. Is that wrong? I immediately wanted to support her and just let her know, nothing else. Do you think that is okay or would it be an insult? Hope this isn't a stupid or inappropriate question for you. Oh, and I don't want anything back from her, I just want her to know I am praying for her and I am thinking of her family.
Mon saidā€¦
Good question! Totally not stupid! I can't speak for your old colleague but I can say that from my experience, the people that reached out and just sent me their love and best wishes was an amazing thing. People I hadn't seen or spoken to in a long time sent me a little message some even sent a gift of some sort. I was unable to reply to many of them but will remain forever grateful and humbled by it. It is uplifting to know that people are out there thinking and praying for you in times of great need and it spoke volumes to me. If you want her to know you are thinking of her then do it. She might not be able to reply but at least she knows.
Tall Pipi saidā€¦
Thanks Mon, good advice. I will do it!

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