13 July 2013

What I've been doing (in pictures)

A mix of camera and phone camera pics...


1. Hospital stay; tubes, IV fluids, grey skies outside and terrible food. Not photographed; awesome nurses, great room, friends to visit and new boob!
2. My array of meds and supplements next to the bed. Since getting back I've had coldsores, thrush, dodgey tummy and Owen is on a mission to build my blood up strong again.
3. My comfy spot on the couch
4. My favourite socks and wearing pj's all the time. I love the excuse.
5. Amusing myself with nail painting, making a cake, having my first coffee, flowers from my cousins and a quick visit to the op shop yeilding some cute results.
6. Reflecting on the death of three amazing and beautiful women from breast cancer in one week. Two young mums and a family friend for over 30 years. Remembering how far we've come and how blessed we are.
7, 8, 9. Gifts and loveliness from friends and family. 

Love, laughter, gratitude and friendship has permeated the last few weeks once again.

1 comment:

Hootnz said...

what a few weeks you have had....I'm glad to see you're out the other side of it, and everyone around you is doting on you! and definately any excuse to wear your pjays, paint your nails and bake some cake is good in my book too!! :) xxx